Welcome to Emmanuel!

We'd love to get to know you and help you get connected. If you would like to learn more about life at Emmanuel, please fill out the form below. We’ll follow up with you ASAP!

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A little bit about us

We have a service on Sundays at 11:00 am which follows the Anglican liturgy. After the service, a group of us usually hangs outside for complimentary coffee and snacks, or walk to St. Vincent's Triangle park for lunch. The second Sunday of each month is potluck Sunday, where we share a meal together after the service in various host homes around the city.


Home groups

Getting involved in a home group is a great way to get connected at Emmanuel.  Home groups study the Bible, build relationships with one another, and care for each other. They meet at different times of the week in homes and apartments all over New York City.



Have children that you would like to get involved? We have wonderful programs for children at Emmanuel and would love to get them plugged in. We believe that each child can have a vibrant and real relationship with God and can live lives of joy and service in Jesus.


Life Together

Life anywhere, but perhaps especially here in New York, can be tough. And at Emmanuel we believe no one should walk alone, no matter where you are in life, what you've been through, or what's ahead. Join with others like you in prayer, service, and fellowship as we pursue faithfulness to Jesus together.



New to Christianity?

If you are pondering life's big questions and are interested in learning more about God and faith, we invite you to explore Jesus with us.

Simply fill out the welcome form below! Or click here to learn more about what we believe here at Emmanuel. Christianity is about Jesus Christ, and the gospel is the good news of great joy for all people.  There are lots of wonderful resources online to help you explore as well!  A good place to start might be the Gospel of John, the classic Creeds, the New City Catechism, the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Anglican Church, or even some of the tough questions that often get asked about Christianity.  

A good overall resource for further reading about all things Christian is Christianity Explored--check it out!  



Why do we worship?

Jesus said: “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24).

Authentic Christian worship is not confined by location, words, ceremonies, set times, externals or aesthetics, but is an experience of the heart directed toward the truth of God revealed in Jesus Christ. Gospel shaped worship is a wholehearted response to the One who is the truth: Jesus Christ. If the fuel of worship is the truth, and the furnace of worship is one’s spirit, then authentic worship involves all of life in faith, prayer, love, fear, adoration, repentance, joy and obedience. God calls us to gather in response to the gospel to hear His word, build up one another in the faith and glorify Him.

What kind of church is Emmanuel?

Emmanuel is an Anglican church that is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word. We are located in the West Village in New York City. We are a diverse church, and many of our members come from a variety of ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, but we are all united by our common interest in learning more about what God has done for us through his Son, Jesus Christ. We consider Scripture to be God’s word revealed to us, and we uphold the classical teachings of the Christian faith.

I'm not Anglican. Can I attend?

Absolutely. You can attend whatever your faith–or if you have none! When you come for the first time please be sure to let the ushers at the door know you are a newcomer, and fill out the “welcome card” they will give you along with the service sheets.

Is there a dress code?

No, the Bible isn’t specifically concerned about how we look on the outside or about the clothes we wear when we worship God.

How can I learn about the Christian faith?

From time to time Emmanuel offers courses for those that are interested in learning more about Christianity, or who might be new to Emmanuel and would like to hear about what we believe. If you are interested contact the church office at emmanuel@emmanuelanglicannyc.com or telephone (646) 770-3202.

But you can also learn about Jesus by joining us on Sundays, getting involved in home groups, and reading the Bible on your own.  There are lots of wonderful resources online to help you as well!  A good place to start might be the Gospel of John, the classic Creeds, the New City Catechism, the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Anglican Church, or even some of the tough questions that often get asked about Christianity.   

I'm new. How can I get involved?

We actively welcome newcomers from all walks of life. We hold quarterly Newcomer’s Evenings, where new folks can meet some of our staff, and connect with various ministries around Emmanuel. Our weekly home groups are a wonderful way to connect with people as well! Contact the church at emmanuel@emmanuelanglicannyc.com or call (646) 770-3202.

If you are interested in ways to help out, please see our serve page.

How is the church governed?

Emmanuel is governed by an Episcopal structure. Our Rector is in charge of the church under a Bishop in the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word who provides pastoral care and leadership. The Emmanuel Church Council, who are elected annually by the congregation, assist the Rector with financial and strategic oversight. You can learn more about our current Council and staff here.